It is doubtless after going over these facts that industry, intelligence and justice were originated in Africa, but this historical truth was and is ignored by the average historian. It is therefore the responsibility of today’s man to seek for the truth to be revealed that will answer the problems of civilization of the past and today.
(Abba Yesehaq)
Today, vast numbers of people suffer not only from various emotional pains, depression, boredom, anxiety, restlessness, inability to learn, inability to work, inability to make commitments also vast numbers of people suffer from various acts of injustice, oppression, discrimination and from lack of freedom to be human.
The Ethiopian Tewahedo* Church is an indigenous and integral church of Africa.It is one of the oldest churches in the world, if not the oldest, and is one of the founders of the World Council of Churches. Also, it has branches in other parts of the world such as Jerusalem, Sudan, the United States Of America, The Virgin Islands of the United States, Canada, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, Bermuda, England, Saint Kitts, Djibouti, Kenya, and West Germany.
Approximately 75% of the Ethiopian population belongs to the church. The remaining Portion can be divided among other Christian denominations and Muslims and the Falasha. The church though independent, has maintained her special link with the Egyptian Coptic Church at Alexandria. It adheres strictly to the doctrine that confesses the One Nature of Our Lord Eyesus Kristos and thus refused to conform to the teachings of Pope Leo’s Tome at the Council of Chalcedon in A.D. 451. Since the controversy at the council, the church has retained its faith, it’s ancient traditions and customs and its way of life. It is in full communion with the Egyptian Orthodox Church, the Jacobiet Church of Syria, The Syrian Orthodox Church of Malabar in India and the Armenian Orthodox Church.
The Ethiopian Orthodox Church holds it’s own synods and Elects it’s own Patriarch.
In fact; the Church is the link between God and Man and as such it is the duty of the church to identify itself with the poor and oppressed. The Church as the Government of God, is an integral and democratic institution. It is the life of every community which works in the lives of individuals. It is called upon to pledge to freedom, justice, and peace in the world;
One True God
Even though there were always Ethiopians who from Adam retained the knowledge of the One True God in the first millennium B.C during the time of the visit of the Queen of Sheba to King Solomon, the whole country officially accepted the belief in One True God. The Church to the people means their lives. Most people devote much time to worship and prayers. In some Monasteries there are holy men who do not talk at all throughout their lives. Ethiopian Christians are known to be deeply religious fasting often and worshipping.
The introduction of Christianity into Ethiopia took place in the beginning of the first century A.D. 34, a few months after the death and resurrection of Christ, when St. Philip baptized the Ethiopian Eunuch as he was returning from the Passover feast in Jerusalem. This history is narrated in the Acts of the Apostles 8:26-39.
The history of Saint Philip the Apostle baptizing the Ethiopian Eunuch is of great significance. The Eunuch was a man of high rank in Ethiopia, the finance minister of Candace, queen of Ethiopia. Upon his return he preached the doctrine of Christ among his countrymen. He was the first to bring the news, although he was not called an Apostle as he deserved. Eusebius speaks of him as the first fruit of the faithful in the whole world. Further at that time Saint Mathew the Apostle preached the Gospel to the Ethiopians; he won some converts to the new doctrine and then left the country.
The Eunuch baptized Queen Candace in the first century A.D and since then Ethiopia has been ruled and governed by Christians. Western historians and writers state that Ezana who reigned in Ethiopia about A.D. 320-356 was the first African King who became Christian and made Christianity the official religion of his empire. This is purosely done to make it seem that Rome was first and this would make Ethiopia Christendom’s second state after Constantine declared Rome a Christian state, but this is not so. The declaration of the doctrine of Christ by King Ezana in the fourth century was not done as a new introduction to the people but was done by the Emperor to prove himself as the true Christian leader of the nation and to make Christianity more effective throughout the nation.
The Christological Basis: Tewahedo
To be true to the Gospel, the total teaching of any Christian Church must proclaim the truth according to the great purpose of the church and it’s head Eyesus Kristos Medhane Alem (Saviour of the World). The church’s main task must be to maintain an interest in helping people in their responses to the one true God, who suffered for our salvation and who established only one Church of Him on earth.
It is necessary, therefore for all Christians to admit that God is not a Roman Catholic or Protestant. He is neither Monophysite nor Dyophysite or any other kind of indicated denomination that refers to political authorities and nationalistic ideals, which are contrary to the high principles of equality, unity and Christian love. Eyesus Kristos, Our Lord and God, is one Creator, one Saviour, for all mankind, who has the blood of all races in His veins, as He is the universal redeemer.
The teaching of the Ethiopian Church is founded on the Apostles’ experience of the Lord Eyesus Kristos as the Creator and Saviour of the world and on the conviction that the Holy Spirit is in the church.
Thus, the only solution would have to be the total establishment of Human Rights, without which the whole world will continue to face war. (Planting the seeds of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church in the New World, Abba Yesehaq p.12)
Healing the Schism
It has been a long timesince African people were separated from each other against their will. Ethiopia, together with the church, has kept the cultures and heritages of Africa to this day.
She has put forward and maintained the greatest effort in keeping alive this cultural history of the black people. The Ethiopian church has always considered it her privilege and duty to reach out to non-Christian peoples at home and abroad. However a Christian church, being the Kingdom of God, should not and cannot limit itself to one nation.
This is just... A Warning
Woe unto you segregationists whose policy is only to create divisions among men. Woe unto ye hireling shepherds, for ye see the wolf coming to catch the sheep and ye flee away. Woe unto ye hired servants who commit yourselves to destroy your fellow man. Woe unto ye politicians who misused the power given you by God. "...It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of Judgement than for thee."(Matt: Ch-11, v:21-24)
Oh racists "prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight, let every valley be filled, and every mountain and hill be brought low; and the crooked be made smooth."(St. Luke 3: 4-5) Let the God of heaven and earth dwell in thee, " to establish a new heart and put a new spirit within you; to take out of your flesh the heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh; and cause you to walk in the statutes"(Ezekiel 36: 25-28) of peace and justice.
(Abba Yesehaq)
"...This is History. If you have money, go to Ethiopia and see the monument to the Queen Of Sheba there....This is proof that the Wise Men came from Ethiopia.You have heard Catholics boasting that Rome is the seat of Peter? Then we should boast that Egypt (Africa) is the seat of Christ. The Baby Christ fled and stayed in Egypt till Herod died".
The Eunuch baptized Queen Candace in the first century A.D and since then Ethiopia has been ruled and governed by Christians.
Western historians and writers state that Ezana who reigned in Ethiopia about A.D. 320-356 was the first African King who became Christian and made Christianity the official religion of his empire. This is purosely done to make it seem that Rome was first and this would make Ethiopia Christendom’s second state after Constantine declared Rome a Christian state, but this is not so.
"...Presently we have student members from Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana, Liberia and Somalia. It is the conviction of these students thatthe Orthodox Faith become Africa's religion. Who knows, some of these members might hold important public offices when they return to their countries, as a result of which their joining the church might in many ways benefit... In the short term, the presence of Africans in our church would help us gain more converts in the black community" the beginning of the fourth century after Christ there came to Ethiopia a certain stranger/pilgrim to Ethiopia from Jerusalem with two young men, Frumentius and Sidrakos.
....I pray to Almighty God that He may spare nations the terrible sufferings that have just been inflicted on my people, and of which the chiefs who accompany me here have been the horrified witnesses. It is my duty to inform the Governments assembled in Geneva, responsible as they are for the lives of millions of men, women and children, of the deadly peril which threatens them, by describing to them the fate which has been suffered by Ethiopia. It is not only upon warriors that the Italian Government has made war. It has above all attacked populations far removed from hostilities, in order to terrorize and exterminate them.Today, vast numbers of people suffer not only from various emotional pains, depression, boredom, anxiety, restlessness, inability to learn, inability to work, inability to make commitments, also vast numbers of people suffer from various acts of injustice, oppression, discrimination and from lack of freedom to be human
Africa's liberation, although proclaimed, is not yet total, for areas of resistance still remain and it is still dominated by foreign exploitation and control. When we speak of African Liberation, it should mean a complete freedom, and not an imitation of liberation.
Africans can only be free when they become self-reliant; when they are able to have their own system of education, health, technology, transportaion, media and system of worship.
Among some of the organized methods used to control the world is the thing known and called PROPAGANDA. Propaganda has done more to defeat the good intentions of races and nations than even open warfare. Propaganda is a method or medium used by organized peoples to convert others against their will. We of the Negro race are suffering more than any other race in the world from propaganda... propaganda to destroy our hopes, our ambitions and our confidence in self.
Most of the time we hear criticisms from several goverments and individuals on the involvement of the Church in community affairs. In fact; the Church is the link between God and Man and as such it is the duty of the church to identify itself with the poor and oppressed.
If the Church, which is to be an instrument of the word of God and the mouth of the oppressed, is to keep silent and be afraid to witness the truth, it means that she has forgotten that Christ was a revolutionary and compassionate, and that he established the Church as a revolutionary God, contradicting himself with the old system, which was contrary to the freedom and welfare of all men.
The Ethiopian Tewahedo* Church is an indigenous and integral church of Africa.It is one of the oldest churches in the world, if not the oldest, and is one of the founders of the World Council of Churches.
"...His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I is the defender of the faith. He attends Church services regularly and strictly observes the frequent Fast days and Holy days. He never misses Sunday morning services. He brought a strong Unity among the Eastern Orthodox Churches with their central office being organized in Addis Ababa Ethiopia and the central committee of the world council of churches had it’s meeting in January 1971 in Addis Ababa through His Majesty."