The Church, as the government of God, is an integral and democratic institution. It is the life of every community
which works in the lives if individuals. It is called upon to pledge to the words freedom, justice and peace in the world; to denounce violations of human indignity, to identify itself with the poor and oppressed.
This principle does not make the church a political party
or as taking sides with political parties, but as God is the Father of all above all, His Church is above all parties, apppointed by God to see that all justices are done on this planet, the Earth,
and to freely speak against all injustices and wrong doing.
Annals - Adowa
Report of Battle of Adowa - Part II
The Fort Wayne Weekly Sentinal
The Shoans. armed with the improved French military rifles, it is claimed, and supported by modern artillery, directed by French artillerymen advanced upon tbe Italians in overwhelming strength, while the apparently deserted passes became alive with natives who hurled rocks down upon the trapped soldiers,
Report of Battle of Adowa - Part II
while others kept up a terrible well directed fire upon the troops. Other rumors add that the Italians broke and fled, after making a gallant stand and seeing thousands of their number shot down or crushed to death. Then, it is added, began the most disastrous defeat in the history of African warfare the triumphant Shoans pressing on after the disorganised soldiers, cutting them down in great numbers in spite of repeated formations of squares.
The troops, in these stands are said to have behaved with the greatest gallantry, but all the reserve ammunition was captured and all the Italian provisions and artillery fell into the hands of the enemy. The result was that a number of the Italian detachments had only their bayonets with which to defend themselves. And it is stated; that a small portion of the Italian force sent against the Shoans reached Asmara in safety.
"..Your Majesty:, We stretch out our hands to heaven and pray to the sovereign God for Your Majesty's long life and continued well-being, for our freedom from the yoke of the enemy, and for happiness and and peace as well as a chance to see the shining face of Your Majesty."
Troops kill civilian
The opposition party and socialists are taking advantage of the situation. The latter especially are very bitter against the government. Later in the day the news from the provinces became more alarming. It was stated that in a number of places the police have been unable to cope with the populace and that the troops have been called upon to restore order. The soldiers, however, appear to have been as helpless as the police and in several places the crowds have been fired upon. At Milan the troops, after vainly trying to disperse a mob which was making a demonstration against the
government, were obliged to fire. One man was killed and several were wounded.
Troops stoned
This increased the excitement, and report has it that the troops were stoned and had to clear the public square at the point of the bayonet. Dispatches received here from Venice say that the most intense excitement prevails there, and there were a number of riotous demonstrations during the night. An immense crowd of people assembled at the piazza St. Mark and there speeches were made
against the government, condemning the manner in which the Abyssinian campaign had been conducted and calling upon the military authorities to try General Baratieri by court martial. There was another popular demonstration against the government at Venice this morning and the mob was only dispersed by the police with the greatest difficulty and after a number of arrests had been made.
"..At Bouvigo, and in fact every city of importance throughout Italy, the troops are confined to barracks today and every precaution possible is being taken to prevent disorder. It is believed, however, that nothing short of the downfall of Senor Crispi and the dispatch of strong reinforcements to Africa will satisfy public clamor."
March 11, 1896
Advices received here from Padua say that there was a riotous demonstration today and that the police had to interfere to restore order. A mob marched through the streets hooting the government cfficials and crying for the downfall of the Crispi ministry. At Verona there was a similar demonstration against the government and a number of socialists were arrested for stoning the police and uttering seditious cries.
Calls for execution
Shortly before noon today it was announced that General Baratieri had been called to Rome and that on his arrival here his conduct of the present campaign and defeat at Adowa will be inquired into. The socialists declare that the general should be shot as an example to others and that the minister of war should share his fate. General Baldissera; who has assumed command of the Italian troops in Africa, is preparing a report on the battle of Adowa which will be forwarded as promptly as possible to the war department here. The army reserves of 1872, numbering about 80 000 men, are being called to the standard, but it is feared that there will be serious rioting when the men muster in large bodies at their different centers. The people are murmuring greatly at being deprived of the heads of families who must now be placed under arms, and as each hour passes the situation becomes more and more perilous.
"...We would like to express to Your Majesty that our agony was reduced and hope uplifted when we learned about Your Majesty's appearance before the League Of Nations holding the Scepter Of Solomon in your hands."
" reveal that your defenceless people had been exposed to an unprecedented repression and wanton brutality unleashed by the Italians, and also, to seek justice as well as assistance for your people so as to extinguish the fire that has engulfed us."
"...Woe unto those countries who do not give just judgement to the Emperor Of Ethiopia who, in honor of and in loyalty to his duty, stood before them in quest of justice, because they are the ones who take on themselves the responsibility of invoking the wrath of God."
"...Behold the land of Ethiopia: be cursed all those who accept the enemy." [Bishop Petros]
"...Your Majesty, since the Italians invaded Ethiopia, they have perpretrated the following audacious and brutal atrocities on the Ethiopian people.""Commanders and soldiers and also young men were rounded up and executed by machine guns without commiting any crime. Their wives were raped and their children were burned alaive after being gathered in a house. What came as a great astonishment was the fact that those who submitted themselves to the Italians were the first to be killed".
"They machine-gunned priests for allegedly preaching against accepting the Italians, set churches aflame and stole tabots. They say Ethiopia is their property and Ethiopians their slaves."
Clearly, the Italians have no desire to bring justice but completely to destroy the Ethiopian people. They have demonstrated their desire through the regular declarations they put out. They point out that "..From now on Ethiopia is for Italians it should not be called Ethiopia. From now on, only the white race will be entitled to live in Ethiopia. The black race, from now on, will not be allowed to live here."
Most of the time we hear criticisms from several goverments and individuals on the involvement of the Church in community affairs. In fact; the Church is the link between God and Man and as such it is the duty of the church to identify itself with the poor and oppressed.
If the Church, which is to be an instrument of the word of God and the mouth of the oppressed, is to keep silent and be afraid to witness the truth, it means that she has forgotten that Christ was a revolutionary and compassionate, and that he established the Church as a revolutionary God, contradicting himself with the old system, which was contrary to the freedom and welfare of all men.
The Ethiopian Tewahedo* Church is an indigenous and integral church of Africa.It is one of the oldest churches in the world, if not the oldest, and is one of the founders of the World Council of Churches.
"...His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I is the defender of the faith. He attends Church services regularly and strictly observes the frequent Fast days and Holy days. He never misses Sunday morning services. He brought a strong Unity among the Eastern Orthodox Churches with their central office being organized in Addis Ababa Ethiopia and the central committee of the world council of churches had it’s meeting in January 1971 in Addis Ababa through His Majesty."