The Church, as the government of God, is an integral and democratic institution. It is the life of every community
which works in the lives if individuals. It is called upon to pledge to the words freedom, justice and peace in the world; to denounce violations of human indignity, to identify itself with the poor and oppressed.
This principle does not make the church a political party
or as taking sides with political parties, but as God is the Father of all above all, His Church is above all parties, apppointed by God to see that all justices are done on this planet, the Earth,
and to freely speak against all injustices and wrong doing.
Annals - Adowa
Report of Battle of Adowa - Part III
The Fort Wayne Weekly Sentinal
The newspapers, as a role, are filled with abuse of the military authorities and of condemnation for the manner in which the Abyssinian campaign has been conducted.
Report of Battle of Adowa - Part II
The newspapers, as a role, are filled with abuse of the military authorities and of condemnation for the manner in which the Abyssinian campaign has been conducted. All sorts of charges of gross incompetency are made and nothing short of a most thorough public investigation will satisfy the people. The war office is receiving dispatches from all parts of the country asking for lists of the killed and wounded, but some time must elapse before this can be furnished.
The news of the death of Generals Albertone and Dabormida has been confirmed and it is believed that over 500 other Italian officers of lesser rank have been slain.
Rome - March 5
The excitement throughout Italy, caused by the defeat of General Baratieri at Adowa. on Sunday last, by the Abycsinians with the loss of from 5,000 to 10 000 men killed and wounded, according to generally
credited reports, shows little sign of abatement The war offices today admitted that "at least" 150 Italian officers were killed; but the officials still refuse to admit that over 5,000 men were killed.
Honourable Micheal Manley, former Prime Minister of Jamaica, with Abba Laike Mariam Mandefro - State Visit 1972.
Church Assembly to Meet Here
Kingston Gleaner-Aug 18, 1974
Jamaica has- been chosen for the first-ever international conference in the Western Hemisphere by the Ethiopian Orthodox Churches in the West. Representatives from churches In United States of America, Guyana. Trinidad, Barbados and Jamaica will attend the conference which will be held from Tuesday, August 27 to Sunday, September 1 at the Webster Memorial Church Hall. Kingston.
International Conference
Abba Laike Mandefro. the Archimandrite and Head and Administrator of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church in the West will be visiting Jamaica to complete arrangements for the conference.
Ethiopian Orthodox Cathedral for Trinidad
[Kingston Gleaner, Jul 10, 1971]
PORT-OF-SPAIN. Trinidad, July
The construction of an Ethiopian Cathedral in Trinidad and Tobago is being done. Mr. Zewdie Teklu, Deputy Chief Architect with the Ethiopian Ministry of Public Works, is now in Trinidad preparing for the Orthodox cathedral in Port-of-Spain. The cathedral to be constructed at a cost of TT$800,000 (J$333,000), will be styled in Ethiopian architecture from the fourth century. The government of Trinidad and Tobago donated the land for the cathedral and Emperor Haile Selassie laid the cornerstone for building during his visit here in April 1966. The cathedral would have a seating unlike any building seen in Trinidad and Tobago. He added the interest that Emperor Selassie has shown in the project was an indication that he would be in Trinidad for the Opening ceremonies. Mr. Teklu said last night the cathedral would have a capacity of 300.
The Archimandrite Abba L.M Mandefro making speech at Jamaica House. At centre seated is the Hon. Micheal Manley, Prime Minister of Jamaica, to his right is the Hon. Dudley Thompson, and to the extreme left is Bishop S.U Hastings of the moravian church. The occasion was a Dinner in honour of the Archimandrite, who was the official guest of the Government of Jamaica on May 19, 1972
Ethiopian Orthodox Church Launches Fund Drive
Kingston Gleaner-September 2, 1971
A FUNDRAISING drive of the Jamaican Branch of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church was officially launched yesterday by Governor General, Sir Clifford Campbell, at the Flamingo Hotel, Kingston. Sir Clifford wished the church continued growth in its various projects He noted that over a comparatively short period many people had joined the church - people willing to go out and help others spiritually and physically. Members of the Orthodox Church were builders-for God he said, and it did not matter whether they were buillding a church for the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, as long as they were making their contribution to mankind.
Ethiopian Orthodox Church Launches Fund Drive
Sir Clifford said it was often that members of the Rastatarian cult preached peace and love "But how often do they practice it?" he asked. He reminded that members of the Ethiopian Church should go out and teach so that people could get to know about God. Touching on the matter of the criminal, Sir Clifford said-"We should try and eradicate the criminal problems in our
community. It is our duty to eradicate all these problems. About those Rastalarians who would like to live in Ethiopia, Sir Clifford advised that they learn all the necessary skills they Might need so that whenever they settle in Ethiopia, Jamaica could be proud of them. Archimandrite Abba Laike Mandefro Administrator of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church in the United States and Jamaica, who arrived in the island on Tuesday for the launching said that the work and co-operation demonstrated by the people of Jamaica showed how Jamaica was blessed above other neighbouring nations. He praised members of the church
for the work they were doing in the community He said that Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia was very proud of the work members of the church and Jamaicans were doing for their country Other speakers were the Most Rev Samuel Carter Roman Catholic Archbishop of Kingston and the Rt Rev S U Hastings, Bishop of the Moravian Church of Jamaica, Both are on the fund-rasing committee.
$30,000 target
The target that is set for the drive is S30,000.00 The money it raised, will be towards building a community centre which will be used as a church and kindergarten as well The proposed site of the centre is the Cross Roads area. Among others at the function were the Rev Ashley Smith, Moderator of the United Church of Jamaica and Grand Cayman; Rev Richmond Nelson First, Vice-President of the Jamaica Council of Churches, Mr George Shoucair, adviser to the church Senator Joseph McPherson and Rev W Cousins of the Methodist Church of Jamaica.
The church being free shows with great evidence that the major problems of society are being solved and the needs and hopes of a large number of people are being realized.
A real productive life which meets the needs of the people, and the need for new patterns and efffective participation, in the decision making which determine their future life, can only be obtained through LIBERATION. In this case Liberation becomes the Mother of achievement for a new progressive and productive life.
Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip bowing before Emperor Haile Selassie First of Ethiopia and His wife, Empress Menem Asfew. As far as is known Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip have never bowed before anyone else.
Do not remove the kinks from your hair--remove them from your brain. [Marcus Garvey]
Jamaica had all the known Christian denominations and more, all but one. She lacked the ancient religion of the Ethiopian Orthodox church. Knowing this many people over the years made efforts to establish a branch of this important ancient Christian church in the island.Members of the Ethiopian Hierarchy who went to Rome to make their obeisance to Mussolini, in person at Palazzo Venezia. Ras Getachew (center); the bearded Ras Kebbede; the young Lij Asrate son of Ras Mulugueta and Ras Seyum can just be made out past Mussolini's chin. The worried looking man is an Eritrean interprter.
Emperor Haile Selassie returned to his capital on May 5, 1941, five years to the day after having left it..... Abebe Aragai's patriots paying their respects in the traditional manner to the Conquering Lion of Judah, at the Victory ceremonies. Despite General Cunninham's failed attempts to keep them out of the capital, they caused no trouble.
Patriots grew their hair long almost as an outward sign of inward grace, to distinguish them-dangerously, one might have thought-from the ordinary population
Most of the time we hear criticisms from several goverments and individuals on the involvement of the Church in community affairs. In fact; the Church is the link between God and Man and as such it is the duty of the church to identify itself with the poor and oppressed.
If the Church, which is to be an instrument of the word of God and the mouth of the oppressed, is to keep silent and be afraid to witness the truth, it means that she has forgotten that Christ was a revolutionary and compassionate, and that he established the Church as a revolutionary God, contradicting himself with the old system, which was contrary to the freedom and welfare of all men.
The Ethiopian Tewahedo* Church is an indigenous and integral church of Africa.It is one of the oldest churches in the world, if not the oldest, and is one of the founders of the World Council of Churches.
"...His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I is the defender of the faith. He attends Church services regularly and strictly observes the frequent Fast days and Holy days. He never misses Sunday morning services. He brought a strong Unity among the Eastern Orthodox Churches with their central office being organized in Addis Ababa Ethiopia and the central committee of the world council of churches had it’s meeting in January 1971 in Addis Ababa through His Majesty."